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Do I need an eye check?

Let’s be real - How many of us actually have perfect vision without wearing glasses? 🤨 ... But we can still have clear vision with a good pair of glasses!

In this edition of foptics University, we will introduce some of the common eye conditions, how they affect us, and the importance of wearing glasses with the right prescription!

Check out how the same scenery can appear to individuals with different eye conditions!

Eye Conditions


To start off, let's talk about myopia, the most common vision condition. Myopia is commonly known as nearsightedness and usually develops and worsens during childhood or adolescence, before stabilising in adulthood.  

Some symptoms include the need to squint or partially close your eyelids to see clearly, and the need to sit closer to your screens to focus on the fine details. Frequent blinking or rubbing of eyes could also suggest myopia. 

Causes of myopia include the elongation of eyeball or when the cornea is curved too steeply. Genetics also play a part in influencing the chances of a child developing myopia - a child is more likely to develop myopia if 1 or both parents are myopic. Lastly, extended period of time spent doing near work, and hence, longer exposure to digital screens and spending less time outdoors can also contribute to the development of myopia.


Most of us know presbyopia as "lao hua". It is the loss of ability to focus on near objects due to ageing and this condition usually develops from age 40 and continues to worsen until around age 65 for most individuals. 

Symptoms include the tendency to hold mobile phones or reading materials further away to read clearly and experiencing blurred vision at normal reading distance. Having tired eyes or headaches after doing some near work is another symptom of presbyopia. 

Presbyopia is caused by the loss of elasticity and muscle flexibility of the eye lens to focus on near objects.

For those who want the convenience of good near and far vision, consider giving progressive glasses a try! With progressive lenses, you will be able to do close-up or near work (reading a book), middle-distance work (using your computer), and distance viewing (looking afar) with a single pair of glasses. (Visit us to find out more on our progressive glasses! 😊)


There is also hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness, whereby individuals are unable to focus on near objects. Hyperopia usually develops and worsens during childhood to adolescence, before stabilising in adulthood.

Symptoms include squinting to see near objects clearly, which will otherwise appear blurry, and eye fatigue after doing near work/ computer work for a period of time. 

Hyperopia occurs when the eyeball is shorter than normal or cornea is curved too little. Once again, genetics also play a part in causing hyperopia and the chances of a child developing hyperopia is higher if 1 or both parents are hyperopic.


Next, ever wondered how astigmatism affects vision? 

Astigmatism causes us to see blurred "double" vision at any distance. This condition is usually present since birth, and may occur in combination with myopia or hyperopia. 

Some symptoms of astigmatism are as follow: difficulty inn seeing fine details at any distance, seeing halos and glares when looking at bright lights, and experiencing worsened visibility at night which may affect activities such as driving. 

Irregular curvature of the cornea can result in astigmatism. It may also develop after an eye injury, disease of surgery.

Do I Need an Eye Check?

All that being said, it is important that you get yourself a pair of prescription glasses to correct your vision! Even if you have perfect vision, you can opt for a no-degree BluShield glasses to protect your eyes from harmful blue-light. 💻

With the right prescription glasses, you will experience less eye strains and headaches without the need to squint when trying to see clearly. In addition, it will reduce the risk of injuries and allow you to go about your daily activities safely. Last but certainly not least, the right prescription glasses can lead to increased quality of life as you will be able to do the things you love without visual obstruction and hesitation!
Finally, to answer the million dollar question - when do you need an eye check? 
You should come for an eye check as long as you feel like your vision is not as clear anymore. Without proper care, it is common for our degree to increase over the years.

Receive a prescription card from us during your visit! You can keep it for easier reference when you shop for your next pair of glasses online or in-stores. Here's the best part - your optical details would be stored online for you (in your foptics account) after you make a purchase in-stores!

👀 Looking for a cheap optical store? Come to foptics for your new pair of glasses and be #seebaehappy again! 🤓